Tuesday, 15 June 2010

FileFront Upload


Google 3D Warehouse Uploads

Links other models in 3D Warehouse:

Merkel's Office and Bridge:

Merkel's Elevator:

Kerr's Office and Bridge:

Kerr's Elevator:

Monday, 14 June 2010

5 images of Final Environment

Merkel's office on the right, is a heavily solid structure. Her office is boxes and rectangles cutting into each other. This idea I took from the point perspective drawing we did in studio class. This is to demonstrate her political power and strength. Abiding by rigid laws in order to run a country.
Merkel's elevator. I decided to keep with the "box" theme On different faces I either indented the main body of teh elevator of extruded rigid parts. The direction of the elevator movement only goes up and down. To give the feel of her having to give decisions which are exact and clearly defined.
Using the box theme similar to Merkel's elevator, I designed Merkel's side of the dinning table as an office desk which is another symbol of her power "behind the desk" in an office. The extruded segments on top of the dinning table, imitate the German city skyline and how Merkel side of the table is also the support system for Kerr's side of the table. Her design represents her powerful exterior image amongst the public, sleek, slim and modern. I have also extruded three hooks which she can use to hang clothing which I imagine would be part of their discussion.
In attempt to contrast with Merkel's office, I decided to have Kerr's bridge and office of a rounded curve shape. this is also to fit with her flexible character. The bottom part of her elevator is meant to represent a yoga mat which is what believes keeps her beauty and health which is a main key to her power figure. The elevator moves in a diagonal direction to avoid the waterfall. The diagonal movement is reference to her futuristic philosophies of not dwelling in the past. This is so because diagonal movement in elevators have not been seen much in our society yet.
This is an overview shot from the other side seeing the vastness of the valley and the clearing where they will be meeting. This image is most meant to imitate the original valley in Hamburg. however I have altered its width to be wider and more spacious.

Elevator Perspectives and Views

Kerr's elevator
View from above
View from below

Merkel's elevator
View from above
View from below

Wednesday, 2 June 2010

Another 2 images - Draft Environment

These next two draft environment images capture the space which the office, bridge and elevator occupy for the two clients. The image above shows the space below the cloud where Miranda's office and bridge will span to the waterfall. Kerr's space is a lot more open. Because she has been described as an inside-out beauty.
Thsi image shows the opening of Merkel's cave. The cave idea was to demonstrate, Merkel's inner power, not in looks and beauty but political power.

Thursday, 27 May 2010

Mash Up

"The word power is ambiguous and mystifying
Power is interrelated and measurable
The word power is vague and ambivalent
Everybody is believed to have some form of power"

Angela Merkel, Miranda Kerr, Helen Kellar are woman of power. But what power?
Being in the league of the most beautiful women in the world, Miranda has indirectly been blessed with power not many people ever experience in their life. To accompany her exterior beauty her strong character is her "backbone to success". Her co-workers describe her as full of "determination, commitment and ambition." These are all powerful words which are an unyielding influence on the younger generation especially young women.
Angela has a responsibility to her country, she is a head figure who "has steered Germany through difficult times". Her "dowdy image" is the not the cause for her popularity and power instead it is her words, and "actions that are life-changing to many people" and therefore her purpose as German Chancellor comes with a lot of power attached.
Its hard to imagine someone like Helen Kellar could be bestowed with such influence and power. Being unfortunately blind since her birth Kellar would be in no position to be the Angela Merkel or Miranda Kerr of the world. Howeve she has found her form of power through intelligence and knowledge. Her power is shone through in achievements, mainly being able to "speak the language of the sighted" as well as later being the first deaf/blind person to gain a degree in university.
All three women have defined power in distinctive ways. They have used there abilities to conquer extraordinary things which have rewarded them with power to influence and change.

- Top Synergy, "Miranda Kerr: Drive and Ambition", http://famous-relationships.topsynergy.com/Miranda-Kerr/Drive.asp
- BBC News, "Profile: Angela Merkel", http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/4572387.stm
- TIME 100, "Heroes and Icons: Helen Kellar",
- Poem Hunter, "Do you have power?", http://www.poemhunter.com/poem/do-you-have-power/

Saturday, 22 May 2010

18 Axonometric sketches

Two Point Perspective

One Point Perspective

Monday, 10 May 2010

2 images Draft environment - Merkel

In the original photo of the valley, the waterfall is a very small single drop. I have enlarged the waterfall to become a larger feature of the valley.

Valley - Hamburg, Germany

This is an image of a valley in Hmaburg, Germany. I chose this scene because if its dramatic steep cliffs. It really gives a feel of true nature and what a valley should be life.

Image Source:

Flickr from Yahoo, "Valley in Hamburg", http://www.flickr.com/photos/davidclow/2344231408/

Sunday, 2 May 2010

File Front uploads



Saturday, 1 May 2010

Google Warehouse

5 final images of Crysis environment/ object

Showing the light in Charles Darwin's laboratory. It is intended reflects his idea of "varying conditions of life" and "new and modified forms". This section is separate from the other ocmponents of the object only joined by the long rectangular shaft which is based on Darwin's talk of "individuality". This shaft can act as an elevator of stair space for Darwin to reach the middle level which is the meeting area.

A view from the pond up. Notice the subtle reflection of the light bulb off the ceiling surface. The other spaces are less needing of artificial light as there is so much open space in this structure.

The avatar shows the life size of Darwin's laboratory. The little nook which the avatar is facing is his actual work space and the area he is standing on is acting as a verandah where he is able to walk around to think while taking in the tranquil view.
Morning serene shot showing the whole building from the back. To the right you able to see a earth path connecting the scientists' work building to another piece of land.The very top platform of the object is Nicole Kuepper's laboratory. This work area has very minimal cover to alloq Kuepper much spaceshe experiments with "solar cells" which requires alot of sunlight. To take cover from the sun she is able to go inside the middle shaft which also connects her to the meeting space. The meeting space is just a flat wide platform which allows the two scientists to bring large objects into the space.

A bird's eye view of the building and landform

Wednesday, 28 April 2010

Electroliquid Aggregation

Nicole Kuepper

"What started off as a brainstorming session has resulted in the iJET cell concept that uses low-cost and low-temperature processes, such as ink-jet printing and pizza ovens, to manufacture solar cells."

Charles Darwin

"As many more individuals of each species are born than can possibly survive; and as, consequently, there is a frequently recurring struggle for existence, it follows that any being, if it vary however slightly in any manner profitable to itself, under the complex and sometimes varying conditions of life, will have a better chance of surviving, and thus be naturally selected. From the strong principle of inheritance, any selected variety will tend to propagate its new and modified form"

Electroliquid Aggregation

"As many more individual of cell concepts are born, that can possible result in a low cost and low temperature process, such as ink-jet printing and pizza ovens, to sometimes varying conditions of life."

Wednesday, 21 April 2010

EXP2 - Crysis environment/object 1

This is my 5 rectangular prism object in my custom Crysis environment.

Thursday, 15 April 2010

EXP2 - 9 axonometric sketches

The bottom images are the earlier sketches and so are quite rough, as I was still getting used to doing axonometric drawings. Using a pencil first is a much neater way of doing it so you can rub out the lines that are important for when you are drawing them but not seen in the final solid.

Wednesday, 14 April 2010

EXP2 - 3 quotes

Nicole Kuepper

"What started off as a brainstorming session has resulted in the iJET cell concept that uses low-cost and low-temperature processes, such as ink-jet printing and pizza ovens, to manufacture solar cells."

Stephen Hawking

“I have hardly ever known a mathematician who was able to reason”

Charles Darwin

"As many more individuals of each species are born than can possibly survive; and as, consequently, there is a frequently recurring struggle for existence, it follows that any being, if it vary however slightly in any manner profitable to itself, under the complex and sometimes varying conditions of life, will have a better chance of surviving, and thus be naturally selected. From the strong principle of inheritance, any selected variety will tend to propagate its new and modified form"

Source: Adrian Desmond and James Moore, Darwin: The Life of a Tormented Evolutionist (New York City, W. W. Norton Company, 1994), 5.

Tuesday, 6 April 2010

Model Animation

This animation shows the floor plan of my model. And how the stairs i designed relates to the two levels it joins. The walls appear to have no depth to them however there is, i have made the model very thin in wall and glass depth to give it a lighter feel instead of a heavy exterior appearance.

This video exhibits a sweep through the model from one side to the other. Its aim is to give the viewer an idea of the two floors functioning together in one building

This video shows off the model from different angles and less obvious sections. The view I particularly wanted to demonstrate was Piccinini's triangle work space in her below ground workshop and

Saturday, 3 April 2010

Developed Sketchup Model

Under ground workshop of Piccinini. Custom textures on floor and walls. This workshop is timber based with red brick flooring. The custom texture on the wall is a carved timber which shows water drop like patterns.

Back view of Model. Notice the glass floor window which allows natural sunlight through to the underground workshop. The two above ground levels are mainly glass to allow maximum sunlight.
Front view of Model. Goodwin's workshop is more of a balcony with only a glass cover. The glass cover is set very high because it allows a lot of open space in the gallery. The open space is intended to allow room for an "explosion"which is also the title of Goodwin's artwork.
Original sketch on notebook